Are you thinking of writing a breakup letter or have you just received a breakup letter? If you are thinking of writing a really dramatic breakup letter, I can only imagine it is because you are very hurt and angry and are trying to let your anger out on your partner. Please do not do this. Anybody who has received a breakup letter will know what a cowardly act it is. If you have received a dramatic breakup letter, feeling really hurt and rejected and you want to know what to do, then read on.
Most breakup letters are not written in the heat of the moment and most times the author will have thought very carefully about what to say. Some people feel they can express themselves better in writing and this is perfectly legitimate but the most frustrating thing about these letters is they do not give the receiver an opportunity to 'have their say' in the breakup.
There are two ways to respond to a breakup letter. If you want to get back with your partner, you need to either respond with a letter of your own or simply take a step back and accept the breakup for a while. I am not saying accept the breakup for good. A very useful strategy when it comes to breakup letters is to not respond in any way for a couple of days. This way you will leave the other person feeling very curious as to whether you actually got the letter and will spur them to get in touch with you through some other way. When they do get in touch you can then use a strategy called the opening move.
If you feel the second strategy is better, you will need to write a second chance letter. Both methods require the use of the opening move strategy. What is the opening move? This is the move that will make or break your relationship. You need to know what to say and do when your partner proposes a breakup. Your opening move is to agree with the break. Hear me out! You will not be able to convince them to give you a second chance at that very moment. You need to turn the tables on them. Surprise them! This will give you the psychological advantage later on.
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